Dowsing Rod Set Overview
Set of two brass dowsing rods with rubber tipped ends. Excellent for the novice dowser up to the spirited professional. The gentle arcs of the rods provide comfort and consistent performance. Price includes pair of brass dowsing rods and instruction manual for learning to dowse.
Dowsing and the Search for Spirit
We have all heard of dowsing, Some have heard it called water witching or even divining. All terms seek to describe the same event. Dowsing has been recorded since the time of Moses, for the story of Aaron producing water from the rock (Exodus chapter 17, verse 6) is often quoted as the first written evidence. Dowsing for Water, Gold , Oil! Early in the 16th century a Baroness and her husband located mineral deposits by dowsing. They discovered over 150 ore deposits of iron, gold and silver in France alone, before being imprisoned for practicing the ‘black arts’. There are many examples through history of the use of dowsing. Whether conducted with a Y shaped twig or branch, dowsing with pendulums or chains all seem to produce the desired effect. It seems that a more modern version of dowsing appeared in the late 15th Century with the use of the common dowsing rod. Skeptics pass the entire history off as nothing more than coincidence, pure luck or chance. However more and more the art of dowsing is seen as a way to focus or channel thought. Whether by natural or physic means, the evidence is over whelming that the effects are real. So, who can dowse? The answer is as easy as who can breath! Dowsing is an art that requires practice and skill to master. Much of dowsing is simple belief and concentration. Whether your looking for minerals or the answers to life’s tough questions the method is the same. If the evidence is clear that dowsing works, then why is it met with such skeptic disbelief? The human factor. Dowsing occurs with a connection between human and some type of device. This fact makes dowsing forever suspect to the observer. Carl Jung believed that dowsing, is one of the easiest ways to access a repository of unlimited knowledge, referred to by Carl Jung as the “collective unconscious” or the “super conscious mind”. Most paranormal researchers will tell you that they do not like dowsing. Most will also tell you that they prefer not to use physics in their studies. Privately discuss the matter with them and they change their tune. None want to be perceived as suspect in finding or method. Dowsing has come to be one of the best tools for training the mind. Is it so hard to believe that we can be taught to dowse for minerals or water successfully, yet the idea of contacting those that have passed or the residual energies of a haunting is impossible? More and more paranormal investigators are using dowsing as means to aid in investigations. Many believe that the use acts as a conduit for communications. Dowsing is a synergy between the marriage of thought and energy of the objects sought. It is the simple application of this synergy to the pursuit of spirits that attracts the spiritualist and the scientist alike. With practice the answers will come.