Season 11/ Episode 11: Halloween Special Deadwood, Brain Wave Transfer Experiment
Brain Transfer Experiment:
Goals of the Brain Wave Transfer Experiment:
We often talk about how we feel and what we sense, so we set out to record and monitor the feels of the crew during an investigation.
Then we went a step further and built a “God Helmet” type device to try and play back or link others in real time or replay what was recorded from the other individual.
How the Brain Wave Transfer Experiment works
We started with a commercial EEG device that is designed to monitor brain activity; these signals are received by our custom computer software and broken out as wave forms to be recorded and monitored. With the expanded ability to visualize the teams response it was quickly apparent that we could see the reactions often before the crew reacted.
The second piece is a magnetic device used to replay the recorded brain waves in an attempt to transfer the feelings or reactions.
How the Brain Wave Transfer Experiment was built:
We built these devices using 3D printer parts and laser cut pieces. The Replay helmet was built with a dual microprocessor control designed to replay the signals form the PC recording the events.
The entire build was very exhausting, between hardware and software this build took nearly 200 hours.
Further information on the Ghost Adventures Season 11 / Episode 11: